The guide says “you shouldn’t get close to the walls, the building is still speaking to us”. She told us that a few years ago a strong hail storm made a big damage on the roof in the loft (also known as “Capuchita”, where a lot of prisioners were sent during the dictatorship). The damage also showed a hidden message on the wall, written 40 years earlier by Hernán Abriata, a missing student activist.
The only way to read the message is using a special light. If you don’t use that light you only see small holes in the wall. “H.A. Mónica I love you”, says the inscription.
The message let us know that Abriata was at the Argentine Army’s Mechanics’ School. He was a prisioner inside the building during the dictatorship. Maybe, is not a proof that would solve the judgment for those crimes. Instead, to Mónica Dittmar — Abriata’s former girlfriend — these words means her whole life. Hernán is talking from the past sending his love to her.